South Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2024
The report outlines the state of STI in South Africa in the context of deepening global economic, ecological and social crises. Commissioned by the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), the report examines investments in research, development and innovation, STI human resources, innovation in manufacturing, digital competitiveness, and the distribution of research and development (R&D) in provinces, among other indicators. The report compares South Africa’s performance with various countries, identifying the relative strengths and weaknesses of the national system of innovation.
South Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2023
The report outlines the state of STI in South Africa in the context of deepening global economic, ecological and social crises. Commissioned by the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), the report examines investments in research, development and innovation, STI human resources, innovation in manufacturing, digital competitiveness, and the distribution of research and development (R&D) in provinces, among other indicators. The report compares South Africa’s performance with various countries, identifying the relative strengths and weaknesses of the national system of innovation. It also indicates progress in creating conditions conducive to the translation of innovative R&D into useful technologies with a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment.
South Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2022
The report outlines the state of STI in South Africa in the context of deepening global economic, ecological and social crises. Commissioned by the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), the report looks at investments in Research, Development and Innovation (RDI), STI human resources, innovation in manufacturing, digital competitiveness, and the distribution of Research and Development (R&D) in provinces, among other indicators. The report compares South Africa’s performance with various countries, identifying the relative strengths and weaknesses of the national system of innovation. It also indicates progress in creating conditions conducive to the translation of innovative R&D into useful technologies with a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment.
The Status of Innovation in the TVET Colleges
The status of innovation in the TVET colleges: An exploratory study has been compiled to examine the state of innovation in the sector. A synoptic literature review was conducted. A range of tools, including a PESTEL situation analysis, an ideographic inquiry, a SWOT analysis and a document analysis, along with an online survey of college principals, was complemented with a series of interviews held with selected college partners and stakeholders
South African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2021
The NACI 2021 SA STI indicators report which was held under the theme, “State of innovation in SA”, also included a multi stakeholder panel discussion on the role of innovation in responding to COVID-19, a presentation on NACI’s review of the National Research and Development Strategy and Ten-Year Innovation Plan, and presentations on the HSRC’s Agricultural Business Innovation Survey and Innovation in the Informal Economy Report. About 200 NSI stakeholders attended the event.
South African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2020
The National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) annually produces the South African
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators Report. The report provides an analysis of the state of STI in South Africa and includes indicators that are critical in the monitoring and evaluation of the South African National System of Innovation (NSI) and its impact and/or contribution towards achieving the country’s set national objectives
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators Report. The report provides an analysis of the state of STI in South Africa and includes indicators that are critical in the monitoring and evaluation of the South African National System of Innovation (NSI) and its impact and/or contribution towards achieving
the country’s set national objectives
2017 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
This report is aimed at providing core South African science, technology and innovation indicators with a view to assessing the performance of the NSI and includes extensive data obtained from a wide spectrum of local and international data sources. Data included in this publication mostly cover the past ten years (2007 – 2016) in order to allow for a proper trend analysis over a period of time.
2016 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
This report is aimed at providing core South African science, technology and innovation indicators with a view to assessing the performance of the NSI and includes extensive data obtained from a wide spectrum of local and international data sources. Data included in this publication mostly cover the past ten years (2006 – 2015) in order to allow for a proper trend analysis over a period of time.
World Class transport in service of the nation: The case of Gautrain
Massive infrastructural projects already undertaken provide insight into the changing and dynamic nature of the changing priorities of government over time. While the objectives remain relevant, the extent and manner in which they are realised becomes particularly important for effective learning to take place.
2015 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
This report is aimed at providing core South African science, technology and innovation indicators with a view to assessing the performance of the NSI and includes extensive data obtained from a wide spectrum of local and international data sources. Data included in this publication mostly cover the past ten years (2005 – 2014) in order to allow for a proper trend analysis over a period of time.
2014 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
This report is aimed at providing core South African science, technology and innovation indicators with a view to assessing the performance of the NSI and includes extensive data obtained from a wide spectrum of local and international data sources. Data included in this publication mostly cover the past ten years (2004 – 2013) in order to allow for a proper trend analysis over a period of time.
NACI Booklet_Understanding Mainstreaming_Gender and Disability
A practical guide toward mainstreaming gender and disability
This booklet provides hands-on information about mainstreaming gender and disability as a strategy to ensure that it occurs throughout the entire science, technology and innovation (STI) sector, and in all aspects of NACI’s day-to-day work, whether it be the work of the Council, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat, or one of the National Advisory Committees. The concept of gender and disability mainstreaming is unpacked within the specific framework of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, and against the backdrop of the national objectives of the improvement of the quality of life of South Africans, the promotion of sustainable economic growth and international competitiveness. Practical mainstreaming tools are provided to enable immediate implementation.
2013 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
South African Science and Technology Indicators booklet was prepared by the Monitoring, Evaluation and Indicators project team of the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI). The indicators contained in this booklet are useful in the assessment of both the state of the national system of innovation (NSI) and the impact of key NSI policies and strategies. Reference to key indicators is a vital contributor to various debates in policy formulation and thereby to the promotion of evidence-based policy decisions.The indicators cover a ten-year period spanning 2003 to 2012. This is a very important period for the NSI, following the inception of the National Research and Development Strategy (NRDS). Coincidentally, most of the targets of the NRDS were set for 2012.
The indicators contained in this booklet are therefore critical in assessing the impact of this strategy on South African knowledge generation capacity and the progress achieved in positioning science-based technology to improve quality of life and economic growth. In addition, it is important to monitor these indicators as we are halfway through the Ten Year Innovation Plan (TYIP), which is key in positioning South Africa as a knowledge-based economy.
Current debates on Innovation
It is now well established in the literature that innovation constitutes a key process underpinning economic change within capitalism. This broad consensus does not however imply that there is a single perspective that informs policy thinking on innovation. Rather what has been evidenced over the preceding decades is the emergence of diverse interpretations that however retain resonance with the general appreciation that “…a national system of innovation can only be judged as healthy if the knowledge, technologies, products and processes produced by the national system of science, engineering and technology have been converted into increased wealth, by industry and business, and into an improved quality of life for all members of society”
Exploration of Community Innovation Systems
The purpose of the project reported here is twofold:
- to assess how community and regional innovation systems have been responding to societal challenges confronting rural South Africans, and
- to evaluate how the two systems are aligned with each other for increased societal impact. The specific objectives of the study were to: Investigate if community and regional innovation systems exist in South Africa; Explore how such systems respond to both economic and societal challenges; and Establish if there are linkages between the different systems with the aim of encouraging active participation by local rural communities.
2010 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
The South African Science and Technology Indicators 2010, an update of the 2009 report, provides an overall picture of South Africa’s national system of innovation by presenting statistical data relating to trends and performance. This report should be seen as a collection of the core innovation indicators and includes extensive data obtained from a wide spectrum of data analysts and performance evaluators.
Proceedings of the NBAC National Workshop on Feeding the Biotechnology Pipeline
The National Biotechnology Advisory Committee’s (NBAC) national workshop entitled, Feeding the Biotechnology Pipeline was held on Thursday 30 September 2010 at the Irene Country Lodge, Irene. The workshop was attended by stakeholders and representatives form the public and private organisations in the biotechnology sector. The aim of the workshop was to explore in particular the scope and nature of policy or system challenges experienced in the biotechnology sector, and this was presented in the following themes: Intellectual Property (IP) awareness, funding gaps, human capacity, and regulatory issues.
Status of Government’s Poverty Reduction – Focus on DST’s Social Impact Programme
The objectives of the study were to:
- Identify existing government poverty alleviation programmes and policies with a special focus on the DST’s STSI programme and then evaluate the effectiveness of the programme in terms of successes and challenges, as well as reasons thereof;
- Identify linkages and institutional arrangements between DST and other government departments.
- Formulate high level recommendations aimed at coordinating poverty alleviation programmes and enhancing their social impact
NACI Indicators Reference Group Launches “South African Science & Technology Indicators 2009”
The South African Science and Technology Indicators 2009, an update of the 2008 report, provides an overall picture of South Africa’s national system of innovation by presenting statistical data relating to trends and performance. Science and technology indicators are essential tools used by countries for monitoring and evaluating the performance of their national innovation systems. South Africa is no exception. When such indicators are founded on common international practice, they can also be used to analyse our progress (or lack of progress) and position relative to other countries.
Engaging With Existing University Citylabs and Other Organisations Closely Linked With Grassroots Communities
The Innovation for Development (INNO4DEV) subcommittee of National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) has decided to engage with South African university CityLabs and other organizations such as Meraka Institute, Wits Rural Facility (WRF), Deloitte and Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) (see ADDENDA B-E) that are closely linked with grassroots communities through the local and national government as well as Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The engagement was intended to:
- Understand how the organizations were working with grassroots communities through the application of technological and non-technological innovations.
- Identify gaps that may warrant urgent attention regarding the expansion of the functions of these organizations in order to maximise their impact.
Database project
During the course of 2008/2009, NACI commissioned the development of a directory of indicators together with a directory of the associated data sources which provided information on the availability of indicator time series. The focus was on South African based data sets and international data sets that could be valuable for South African policy makers, strategists, business leaders and academics.
A Review of International Innovation Adaptable to South African Context
The Innovation for Development (INNO4DEV) sub-committee of the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) commissioned an in-house study on international initiatives whose main purpose is to uplift needy rural communities out of poverty and unemployment. To this end, we scanned the literature to identify successful projects and programmes whose effectiveness depends on
- Innovative technology and products together with the right kind of social and economic support for the intended beneficiaries;
- Operations and activities that could be easily adapted and implemented under South African conditions;
- Outcomes that would improve the lives of, in particular, our poorest citizens by providing jobs and increasing food security.
Multi-Stakeholder Organisations Involved in South African Social Innovation System
South Africa is remarkably rich with innovative communities and multi-stakeholder organisations involved in innovative social development programmes and initiatives. Some of the organisations that support social entrepreneurs in South Africa are listed below. It is important that government invests in or provides incentives for these programmes. Government can provide an enabling environment while the business fraternity provide financial and technical support to motivate social entrepreneurs and NGOs to expand and extend their social innovation activities. In particular, the DST’s Science and Technology for Social Impact programme could partner with these organizations to ensure development and efficiency of delivery, and consequently enhance social impact.
Women in Science Annual Review
The main findings of the research indicate that women in South Africa have made great strides in the past decade in terms of their participation as Postgraduate students and professionals working in SET. Although still clearly disadvantaged in relation to their White counterparts, African, Asian and Coloured women are beginning to make their presence felt on the SET stage.
Changing perceptions of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
This document aims to provide an overview of on how to achieve equality between women and men in Science, Engineering and Technology by integrating a gender equity perspective into policy-making, and implementation of the National System of Innovation.
Facing the Facts: Women’s Participation in Science Engineering and Technology
The study not only addresses not only the participation of women in Science Engineering and Technology but also the extent to which women benefits from SET.The study not only addresses not only the participation of women in science SET but also the extent to which women benefits from SET – an update of 2004 version.
Achievements of the Second NACI Council: 2004 to 2009
The effects of the Second NACI Council initiatives undertaken during the period 1 April 2004 to 28 February 2009 are summarised under the following headings: conceptual considerations, management processes, outputs, communication and networks, external evaluations, and overarching conclusions.
Science and Technology Interaction in Africa
This report sets out to investigate the performance, processes and dynamics associated with South Africa’s research, science and technology collaboration on the African continent. The resultant analysis leads to a set of recommendations as to how the South African government could effectively improve its interaction with its African counterparts in S&T initiatives.
Science and Technology Interaction in Africa
This report sets out to investigate the performance, processes and dynamics associated with South Africa’s research, science and technology collaboration on the African continent. The resultant analysis leads to a set of recommendations as to how the South African government could effectively improve its interaction with its African counterparts in S&T initiatives.
Creating the Future South African National System of Innovation: Gender, Race and SET Sector Issues
The objective of this document is to provide a framework for collaborative action on gender, race and the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) sector within which institutions in the South African National System of Innovation (NSI) may implement effective measures for ensuring that South African women participate fully in, and benefit from, innovative SET research, the production of SET products and the provision of SET services. Through the increased participation of women in SET, South Africa can increase its capacity for innovation and increase the contribution of Research & Development to Gross Domestic Product.
An Assessment of the Participation of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Industry
Women’s entry into the higher education in South Africa during the past decade, has increased but women remain under-represented within the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) sector. The problem is evident at postgraduate degree levels, particularly in the field of engineering where fewer women register. Only a small number of South African women end up working in the SET sector. Constant gender imbalances in the workplace, especially in the SET sector continue to impact negatively on South Africa’s global competitiveness in growing the skills in the economy.
Changing Perception of Women in Science Technology and Engineering Industry
The purpose of the study is briefly:
- to use a methodology appropriate to interviewing to obtain information about the careers of 19 pre-identified role models (supposedly women in high profile SET careers)
- to identify from the interviews, the factors that contribute to their success in their careers. Information regarding obstacles they have experienced and ways they see how women can be involved in SET careers, will also be focused on. The results will be supported by additional information.
An Exploration of the Innovation – Competitiveness Relationship a Descriptive Study of South African Businesses for the National Advisory Council on Innovation
This report offers a concise overview of research done in the first phase and consists of the following sections: Conceptual and operational context (including a selective overview of relevant literature and case studies of selected countries); the next sections report on an empirical study that was conducted (research questions ; the multi-phased design of the study ; and main findings); the penultimate section of the paper, Discussion , which offers an interpretation of all the preceeding information (i.e. literature and empirical findings); and finally the report concludes with a set of key recommendations.
Skills sustainability and government planning of flagship projects
The central focus of the proposed research was to investigate, in case-study format, the extent to which skills development was considered and planned for in the construction and development phases of key flagship and other large infrastructure development projects. The case studies also explored the extent to which the approach adopted built a skills eco-system that could be sustained thereafter.
Quantitative Assessment of South Africa’s Inventive Outputs: International Patent Analysis
This document has been prepared on the request of NACI in order to identify the inventive activity of South Africans as it is manifested in the form of patents. Patents are used internationally as indicators of national and corporate inventive activity. We quote Griliches who point out that “patent statistics remain a unique source for the analysis of the process of technical change. Nothing else even comes close in the quantity of available data, accessibility and potential industrial organizational and technological detail.”
Creating the future – Gender, Race and SET Sector Policies
The goal of this document is to provide a gender, race and SET sector policy framework within which institutions in the SA national system of innovation (NSI) can implement effective measures for ensuring that South African women participate fully in, and benefit from, innovative SET research, production of SET products and provision of SET services.
The South African National System of Innovation: Structures, Policies and Performance
This background report has been prepared as an input to the OECD Country Review of the South African National System of Innovation (NSI). The report was drafted by the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) within the framework of the terms of reference for the OECD Review, as agreed by NACI, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the OECD.
A Study on The Required Physical Infrastructure to attain the Vision of the NSI
Events leading to this investigation of the “Competitive Aspects of the Required Physical Infrastructure to attain the Vision of the National System for Innovation” commenced with the National Research and Technology Audit, which produced a database of research equipment and generated a scenario of the status of that equipment in 1998. The equipment infrastructure for research was characterised as old, not enabling South African researchers to compete effectively internationally.
The recommendation from the audit called for a major injection of funds to replace, renew and introduce state of the art equipment, which was to improve the quality of both the research outputs and research skills. Yet, the audit recommendations were based more on research environments and replacement of the research equipment base in the highly industrialised nations of the north, and not on a firm strategy to plan for the future of research support through capital infrastructure based on national priorities.
A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to Benchmark the perfomance of Women in the NSI
This study was commissioned by the Science, Engineering and Technology for Women (SET4W) Reference Group1, a sub-committee of the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) in the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Consultations towards the Advancement of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology: Part 2 Email Discussion
The report provides a detailed account of the methodology utilised for this project, as well as the findings that emerged from the study. We also include in this report a brief discussion forum in the hope that these lessons will benefit future attempts to run similar discussion forums within DST.
Women in SET: Exploring the Facts
In 2004 the National Council for Innovation (NACI) published a study entitled Facing the Facts: Women’s Participation in Science, Engineering and Technology. The study found that in most Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) disciplines, and in the sector as a whole, women are significantly under-represented. In addition, only 6.4% of a sample of 17 000 research projects in the public sector was found to have an explicit gender perspective. In short, there was less science being produced by women and for women than by and for men.
To work towards correcting these imbalances greater insight into their determining conditions was required. Consequently NACI, the South African Reference Group for Women (SARG), and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), commissioned a study exploring the experiences and perceptions of women working in the SET sector. This report presents the findings of that study, and the subsequent recommendations for policy formulation.
A Profile of Postgraduate Higher Education and the Academic Research community in South Africa
The report provides a profile of the postgraduate sub-sector of HE and the HE research community in South Africa with a view to informing policy- makers and stakeholders of key trends and issues. Postgraduate education and HE research form a pivotal part of the national science and innovation system and therefore have a key role to play in contributing towards national development. It is therefore important to track and analyse trends in these domains.
South African Innovation: Key Facts and Figures
This publication intended to contribute the latest available reliable and valid information to the crucial debate about the value placed in our economy on knowledge and its appropriate use through innovation by the public and private sectors. It is a potentially valuable resource to enrich discussion and to assist South Africa to better make choices in the future.
Strategy Development Phase for the Strategic Assessment of the Impact of the Utilisation of Research Findings in South Africa for the National Advisory Council on Innovation -Engagement Report-
A strategy for research utilisation was developed from extensive analysis of published information and synthesis of the survey of research outputs from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Science Councils (SCs) and private organisations, conducted by CENIS, 2002-3 across a number of sectors of the South African economy.
South African Science and Technology Key Facts and Figures 2002
The publication of South African Science and Technology: Key Facts and Figures 2002 is part of a wider communication process for providing stakeholders with the information and data needed to enable all of us, working together, to develop effective responses that will serve our nation in years to come. We cannot fully predict our future requirements, but it is important to adopt a strategy that is relevant and workable in our own context, while, at the same time, reflecting
globally accepted ‘good practice’. This data book aims to promote such an approach.
Investigation into the Implementation of SETI Reviews Recommendation for the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI)
The National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) intiated the “investigation into the implementation of the Science, Engineering and Technology Institutions (SETI) reviews recommendations”. The review was undertaken in 1997 by the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST).
A Study on Mobility of Research and Development Workers
This report consists of six chapters, a framework which provides an understanding of the mobility of R&D workers through an overview of the theoretical issues involved and provides an overview of South African policies and legislation concerning mobility.
Reviewing of the 2001/2002 Key Performance Indicator Reports and Annual Reports of Public, Science, Engineering and Technology Institutions
The Study does show that a culture of measurement has become apparent among the Science Councils. Furthermore the measures, which are being reported, show that although there is still some way to go, a great deal of progress has been made over the past few years.
National Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy for South Africa – Volume 1
It presents the AMTS for South Africa. The process for developing the strategy was one of extensive consultation within the private, public and education sectors, and care was taken to ensure strategic fit with other national strategies and avoidance of unnecessary publication.
Flight of the Flamingoes – Study on mobility of research and development workers
Emigration figures of highly skilled researchers remain high, but the greatest mobility of high–level skills is now within the country. This is a key finding the Study on Mobility of R&D workers, released by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). The study, commissioned by NACI, confirms earlier findings regarding the under reporting of emigration to major consuming countries. This flow is up to four times higher than the official figures of Statistics South Africa.
Utilisation of Research Findings: Extent, Dynamics and Strategies
The document reports on a comprehensive study on the extent and nature of the utilisation of South African research findings, suggests strategic steps to improve such utilisation. This report will serve as a basis for the recommendation of policy guidelines to government, research funding agencies and institutions in the national system of innovation.
A Strategy for Improving the Utilisation of Research in South Africa
These findings were supported by the case studies as well as interviews that were conducted by the expert panel. The strategic recommendations made by the panel address these issues by taking a systematic look at the dynamics of the innovation system.
Open Software and Open Standards in South Africa – A critical Issue Addressing the digital Divide
This is a living document, updated from time to time, distributed under the open content license (
A framework for implementing the competitiveness ranking system for South Africa
Competitiveness has become the primary focus of national policy and investment in the developed and developing worlds of the 21st century. South Africa must, without delay, establish its own competitiveness ranking system.
International rating systems of competitiveness and how to strategise to use them better
This report relates to a research tour undertaken by NACI in order to get insight into competitiveness ranking as they are applied internationally and nationally, how these are constituted and what lessons the instituting of these systems hold for similar initiatives in South Africa. (2002)